Restaurant Antibiotics Phase 2 
Engagement Sign-On

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The FAIRR Initiative's latest engagement is now open for sign-on:
Restaurant Antibiotics Engagement Phase 2

Please complete the following short survey if you are interested in joining this engagement. You can pause it at any time and come back later. The deadline for completion is Thursday 15 May 2025. If you have any issues or would like further information, please contact

Investors who are already signatories of the Restaurant Antibiotics engagement (Phase 1) are kindly asked to complete the survey with their updated information.

If you need additional information on the FAIRR network, please contact

You can access our Engagement Terms of Reference here.

Please provide the following information about your organisation:

Note: Your organisation name on this form reflects our records and will be used on the private company letters. If this name is inaccurate, please use the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of the page or contact, so that we can correct our records. 

If you would like your organisation name to be displayed differently on the private company letters, please indicate so below.
If yes, please indicate here how you would like your organisation name to be displayed on the private company letters.
Please provide your Asset Under Management (AUM) in US Dollars equivalent, Assets Under Advisory (AUA) or other appropriate assets for which your firm is responsible. This is for internal monitoring purposes only and is never disclosed.

Please enter the actual figure (i.e., 1 billion is 1000000000, not "1 bn").

Please provide the main contact's information below. This main contact will be our primary contact for all communications during the engagement.

Please include below any other colleagues who should receive updates on this engagement. You may provide up to three additional contacts (please note that this is optional).

Please select the companies with which your organisation would like to engage as part of the Restaurant Antibiotics Engagement (Phase 2)

Note: We encourage investors to sign all company letters, which will be sent as private letters to the companies, regardless of holdings, to demonstrate support for the engagement. Where investor participation interest exceeds the number of available meeting slots, FAIRR will endeavour to distribute slots fairly but cannot guarantee that all investor's preferences will be met.

Your organisation will have the opportunity to give feedback on the company letters  before they are sent to the companies.
Note: This information will remain private and only be used by the engagement manager to establish the next steps in cases where a company does not respond to FAIRR's initial contact.
Note: This information will remain private and is for FAIRR's internal records only.
Please press 'submit' below to complete this survey.